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Discussion : Grèce : discussions et bavardages sur la Grèce

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    février 2011

    Par défaut

    Je confirme

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    septembre 2022

    Par défaut

    Bonjour 😊
    Je vis en Espagne , Catalogne et parle Espagnol .
    Voila ce que je paye :
    Piso chinois 30€ 20mn con frances natural
    À figueres ou Girona... à Blanes 20€ 15 mn
    Piso con Chica ou chicas 50€ la media en général con frances natural (mais jamais plus de sinon dans ce cas là 50€ 20mn)
    Certaines proposent 40€ pour 20mn ou bien le leur proposer ...
    À la Mansion 70€ la media con frances hasta el final... normalement... sinon je pars.
    Au Para et Dallas après avoir payé l'entrée , on peut négocier jusqu'à 50€ ... jamais plus de 60 € .
    idem Paloma et Torre Park .
    Bord de route 20€ une branlette ...voire una chupetta et 30€ le rapport...
    Parler l'Espagnol c'est sûr y fait beaucoup le reste est au feeling et à l'expérience 😜😸
    Un Grand bonjour à Grandmechantlou que j'ai connu il y a longtemps dans le jacuzzi du PSR ...👋(Peut être me reconnaîtra t'il)
    je vous ai dit toute la vérité
    Rien que la vérité
    Je le jure. 🤚.

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  1. #

    octobre 2006

    Par défaut Grèce : discussions et bavardages sur la Grèce

    le seul truc que j'ai reussi a trouver sur la crete . cest vraiment tres peu !!!pourtant il y a 3 millions de touristes et beaucoup d'allemands !


    Here my memories are more current. Souda Bay is a Greek naval base
    and where all the ferry's and visiting military ships come into.
    Surprisingly though, there are only 5 or 6 bars including one
    "nightclub" of the previously describes sort [on the Athens
    page]. It's called bar L'moure (pretty trashy atmosphere), and it's
    one of the few that will let you take the girls out for a short time
    before closing time. The price seems to vary on how much the owner
    likes you. Getting too drunk in this town is dangerous, if the
    visiting GI's don't beat you up and rob you, some of the local's will.
    About the only reason to go to this town is to catch a ferry to other
    islands, or to go to the Fish House to eat (excellent food and cheap).
    There are a few legal whore houses here, but they are very hard to
    find, even when I lived in the area.

    Chania is the second largest city on the island, Heraklion is the
    largest and the capitol. The legal houses are past the eastern end of
    the old Venetian harbor. Walk all the way to the end, then cut through
    a short street to the right, take a left when it T's, then the first
    right. About halfway up the block on the right you'll see the red
    lights and the girls' names under them. This is where the soldiers and
    sailors who don't know their way around go. Besides what I was told
    about them all having diseases, the cheaper ones in these houses were
    once men, but had everything changed to female. When there is a ship in
    town, there is usually a group of men sitting in the coffee shops along
    the street. At the first sign of any trouble and they will all jump on
    anyone who looks like a soldier. Many a drunken sailor has been soundly
    thumped if they got the least bit physical in their bargaining, or
    decided to break anything up.

    Scattered throughout the town are numerous "nightclubs", some of
    them like the Tooti Fruiti, really are quite good and legitimate
    nightclubs in the tourist season. Some of the better places to find
    prostitutes don't even have names, you just have to know where they are
    or have a friend who has a friend who..... . The easiest places to
    find are right on the main street running through town, parallel to the
    coast. As you head west past 1866 Square and Halidon street (which
    leads to the old harbor), continue past the square for about 100 meters
    and on the left you'll see signs for the Seismos, the Lips, and the
    L'amoure. If you continue through the light, there is one more, not so
    popular that just says "Piano Bar". Of these, only the Seismos
    occasionally has a strip show, and is the closest thing to a decent
    atmosphere (these places are pretty trashy). These places are pretty
    much the same as the clubs I described in Athens, with a major
    difference being they cater mostly to Cretans, anybody not from Crete is
    a foreigner in Crete. They will, however, take anybody's money. It can
    be difficult to find a girl that speaks english in these places, even
    more so if you chance apon one of the unnamed clubs. Again, ask one of
    the managers about which girl he recommends. Here again the girls are
    transient and stay in various hotels around town. One of them is on the
    left turn just before the bars, called the Kydonia. There is another
    right on the city beach, called the Danaos in Nea Hora. This is a good
    place to stay if your looking for women, pro's or not. It's advertised
    as a four star but some would probably give it a three, but it's clean
    with private bath and right on the beach with reasonable prices, and you
    can get food at any hour (limited menu after hours though). There are
    always a few girls staying there that are pro's. It's relatively easy
    to meet them in the hotel bar, but they won't ask you if you want sex
    (while you're inside the hotel). The best bet is to stay there, then
    visit the clubs and see who you run into from the hotel. From there
    some very convenient arrangements can be made. The "meet me for coffee"
    also applies to Crete, and is the only way to get prostitutes without
    dropping some big bucks on bar tabs. Prices are also about the same. A
    drink for a girl in a bar costs from 1,000 to 5,000 Drachmae. A bottle
    of 5 dollar champagne for a girl is about 40,000 Drachmae (about $100

    A few of the real nightclubs will cater to tourists during normal
    hours, then open up again later. The pro's will go to these places and
    work until 6 or 7 o'clock in the morning, and things can get really
    Make friends with some of the Greek men (make sure they're not
    gay), and you will find a lot of women. I personally don't care if a
    woman is a pro or not, but I find that a lot of the pro's like to go out
    and have a good time. Greece is a great place to party!!

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