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Discussion : Thermae soi 13/15

  1. #

    janvier 2009

    Par défaut

    Reputation surfaite.
    J'y suis allé hier.
    Les femmes sont regardables mais pas exceptionnelles.
    Leur prix, selon moi, devraient se situer entre 2000 et 3000 baths pour une session courte.
    J'ai d'ailleurs eu une proposition à 2000.
    Le seul intérêt du lieu, c'est qu'on y voit plus de 50 femmes dans un petit local.

  2. #

    février 2019

    Par défaut

    Si tu patientes un peu pour la sortie, effectivement ca baisse un peu niveau tarif mais ca tient la barre des 2k et ca garde souvent le cap. Mais jhe suis pas forcement un bon commercial ^^

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  1. #

    août 2008
    Between 2 planes

    Par défaut Thermae soi 13/15

    I ofter read on various forums
    The japs have complety fucked the Thermae
    I happened to be there last night and the night before. A huge contrast between a week day (thursday) and last night Friday, when I guess many more occasionals join the game.

    Was there around midnight both times, thursday maybe 30-35 girls and about the same number of punters, with lots of seating spaces. Poor selection overall and I moved on. Ended up picking a gogo girl at nana after her shift at 2, who agreed for 1k ST. Good but fairly mechanical, not an inspiring experience.

    Last night friday the population had more than doubled, maybe 60-70 girls or more and at least as many punters. A few cute ones and the usual dragons. A cute one who didn't look hardcore appealed to me, we exchanged smiles and sat together. 25, one kid, shit. Yet seemed and sounded cute, and looked as if she didn't know anubody in the place. I decide to go for the acid test, I ask her what she wants to drink. Now this is a good revelator. In a pick up joint like thermae I like my girls to be as "innocent" as possible, untainted by too many experiences. Ideally they'll turn the request down saying "here too expensive, we go buy from shop" or at worst they order a soft drink or a namsom. She spoke to the waiter who came back swiftly with a wine cooler and some popcorn, 140 bath. OK, that was it, if the girl is wise enough to take advantage of a john in small ways, she's not part of my plans. In between she had also initiated the ST/LT talk, tha kind of broke the good girl illusion and is a no-no in my book when selecting a freelancer. I paid up, slowly disengaged my hand from hers and drifted away.

    I went to sit in one of the armchairs at the back and was looking at that really beautiful girl, classical looks, a jeans and a dark blue T-shirt, nothing flashy or overly sexy that screamed to the world "I'm a hooker". She was talking to a couple of similrly attired girls. I liked her looks, the whiteness of her flashy smile, her reserve and poise in that harsh environment. I was slowly falling in love, which has usually been a good sign for the next few hours, until reality rears its ugly head again when the small head has had its turn. I get up and nonchalantly walk up to her, told her I like her very much and let's go and sit down somewhere. She gets up and follows and we move to a booth. We exchange the usual info, actually from closer she does look a bit older, she's 25 but still very beautiful. Her English is limited, which I like. Isn't that another piece of circumstancial evidence that this beautiful girl is lost in a harshm hostile world, and that she could ultimately see in me the prince charming all fair maidens are expecting in their hearts ?

    Then the bitch breaks the spell by asking "I go with you 2000 ST ok ?"
    I couldn't help laughing, said fuck no, it is not ok, I pay 1000 and that's already generous enough. We then parted company with a friendly wave, yet another disillusion in the cruel game of paid love.

    Next I was sitting in one of the middle stools, opposite a very average looking girl and watching with interest as she was in negociations with a young (mid 20's) jap punter who looked like a younger version of kimjoong2, the north korean bespectacled grotesque supreme leader. Both had their cell phones out and were apparently discussing numbers. The jap guy told the girl "chotto matte" a couple times, wait a little, and kept going back to his more experienced buddy in the back who was apparently helping him negociate a good fee. The girl and me were exchanging discrete amused glances and smiles. I had no interest in her but was keen on hearing what numbers were being reached. After a while they managed a deal, the girl was shaking her head incredously and looking up as if to say "do you believe this guy", the guy made a little jig and a bow and said "deal ?" and formally shook hands with her to "seal it" before going back to his mentoring friend to boast of his conquest and progress. I asked the girl "taorai ?", she replied in english "2 thousand 7hundred' - certainly a bargain by jap standards.

    Then I went out and 10' later had found another 1000 ST to follow me to the hotel nearby, another passionless encounter. Shit, I should have stayed in china a couple days longer. Cuter girls, much more fun, tons of choice and beter hotels for the price. OK, the food's more varied in Bangkok, I'll grant you that.

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