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Discussion : Les récits de vos aventures aux Philippines

  1. #

    novembre 2016

    Par défaut

    Petit retour d'expérience sur le Chuva Chuva.
    1000 pesos les 80min de massage + finition. Tu ne choisis pas ta masseuse.
    A la moitié, elle m'a demandé si je voulais payer 2000pesos pour toucher, ce que j'ai refusé mais elle a insisté pendant 10minutes en essayant de baisser un peu. Puis elle a fait la gueule. Elle m'a fini malgré tout. Mais ce moment d'insistence en plein massage à vraiment tout casser. Vraiment déçu.

  2. #

    décembre 2009

    Par défaut

    Récit tardif de ma visite d'août 2022.
    Toujours les mêmes spots vers Malate. Le LA Cafe et sa variété de filles, tous âgés et gabarits.... Compter autour de 2000 pesos (35€) le short time.
    Quelques salons de massage à 500 pesos (9€) l'heure de massage, je ne me suis pas rencardé sur la finition cependant.
    Lors de mon prochain passage, je tenterai le spot de drague du Starbucks dans le centre commercial Greenbelt. Vraisemblablement c'est là bas que l'offre et la demande se rencontrent....
    Tinder fonctionne bien et j'avais passé le weekend avec une femme de 35 ans, cool niveau cul, sympa mais qui n'est pas désintéressée dans le sens où elle montre rapidement qu'elle aimerait bien une bague au doigt à moyen terme.

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  1. #

    août 2008
    Between 2 planes

    Les récits de vos aventures aux Philippines

    courte visite a angeles city, dec 11-14

    Well I was in AC for 3 whole days and not too unhappy to be out of there.

    Some bars are good, like Pasha, champaign, carousel, gekkos. The first 3 had about 25 girls per shift in 2 shifts, thus say around 50-60 girls and another 30/40 on vacation I was told, returning home for "happy christmas".

    Gekkos is smaller but excellent fun. It is also the only place that is interesting to visit in the early afternoon, like today at 3 pm when I took a girl out for a quickie before heading to clark and cebu where I'm at for the next couple of days.

    The problem when a place is good and it's about the only one open worth visiting, is that the punters quickly tend to outnumber the girls. Today there were maybe 20 guys in there for about 25 girls. Take out a third of real dogs, you're left with maybe 15-18 girls that are doable. Apparently, that is.

    The choice issue is compounded by 2 majors, recurrent problems : v and m. V for virgin, and m for menstruation. Great eye candy in the store, the pics on the internet do look great, some of those girls look fine, cute and beautiful but most all the 8-9 that can be seen, or the very occasional 10, are just not available. Like when you want to invest what's left of your money at that incredible rate of return, only to find out that the offer has expired, or you have to leave it untouched for 5 years, or that it's with a lehman brother affiliate.

    I barfined a cherry girl once when there not much was at stake, as I'd shot my load earlier in the evening. Very nice bod and smile, playful etc, but lousy blowjob and nothing behind to back it up, so it's an easy 1500 pesos down the drain (BF 1350, drink 50, LD about 90, tip 5-10 as it's too much bother picking up the coins), not counting the 100 tip to the girl, who've never been vocal about it but just so nice, standing there at the door with their fawn eyes, you can't really refuse a little something.

    The first day or 2 were ok, nice change from PP and some good girls, no questions asked. Then I became a tad more selective, not accepting girls who'd had a baby (ask as it is sometimes not obvious at all), rejecting fatties or dogs no matter how friendly, and it became a real struggle to find a non virgin, non-menstruating, non barfined girl of 18-21 who was willing to go as well. Because, that is when factor # 4 comes into play,some of the lookers if not most get taken each day and will want the occasional rest, as I found out yesterday night. Skeptic, whom I've had the pleasure to meet this time, got lucky fast and ended up with a real cutie to his taste. Jack the bear, well you know jack, as long as it has a pussy, even a non-functional one, he'll happily go along. As for me, it took over 3 hours, 5 or 6 drinks, a couple of lady drinks and 4 different bars before I finally found one to my liking, after checking out over 25 girls for suitability (cherry girl - menses - she not want to go today, tired - already barfined sorry - yes I have a small baby)

    IF, and please note I wrote that in capital letters, IF AC were a pleasant place to hang out, with clean streets, a park or some greenery, a beach somewhere nearby, good restaurants or even simply good hotels at reasonable prices and breakfast costing less than almost 10 buck for a normal ABF not even large (coffie or juice are never included in the standard 295 fee..), it would acceptable for a longer stay. But none of those things exist. There's a new mall, big deal, it's the only possible place out there to hang out, where some local expats meet daily over brunch. The food is not only bad, it's disgusting. I never got any bug in thailand or cambodia or anywhere else, here I've immediately had the shits for 2-3 days. I find the place, if anything, far worse than 10 years ago, which is about the last time I visited it.

    I am not pattaya's biggest fan but I am a repeat visitor and enjoy it each time, at least it has all those amenities, give me pattaya any day compared to AC. The only redeeming factor is that the girls are nice, much nicer than the thais and seemingly with less afterthoughts. But that is if you can find one to your liking.

    Quelques infos glanees des conversationa avec les filles sur les salaires, les couts etc
    - cours du jour : $1 = 47p, un euro = 61p.
    - du barfine de 1350 p la moitie va a la fille
    - ladydrink, elle recoit 50. Le prix d'un LD le soir est d'environ 200p, le jour 150.
    - salaire des hotesses: 150/jour
    - salaire moyen d'une vendeuse/serveuse de resto dans sa province, il y a un mois avant qu'elle se reconvertisse en hotesse : 1500/mois. Et c'est pas en euros...
    - clark airport/hotel, environ 10' de trajet : 315 p, petite arnaque incontournable (a cebu je viens de payer 250 pour un trajet de 30'..)

    - hotel : suis reste au pacific breeze recommande par des potes US sur mon forum. Chambres tranquilles, bel hotel avec piscine etc a 2' a pied des bars... mais cherot a $60 la nuit sans dej ni meme eau gratuite dans la chambre... au contraire ces nases font payer 45p la petite bouteille que je pensais complimentary comme souvent, 60 p le savon bain douche, .. Ils ont voulu me faire payer un drink non consomme et une nuit suppl pour un depart a 18h10 plutot qu'a 18 hrs. Ils ont finalement "accepte" le tarif convenu soit $30 pour la "demi journee" apres que je les aie traites de tous les noms.

    A eviter si on n'aime pas etre pris pour un con. Je prefere le confort et me fous generalement du prix s'il est connu d'avance mais trouve insupportable les petites arnaques sur les details.

    A part le mall et les filles, le coin est archi pourri, rien a faire ou a voir. La bouffe est de loin la pire d'asie, a part un bon petit italien pas donne, que du fast food ou des trucs immondes baignes dans des sauces blanchatres sucrees. Meme les anglais sont gastronomes a cote d'eux.

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