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Discussion : Hal : Espace Venus

  1. #

    octobre 2010

    salon hal

    oui, mais sivs lui demandez avant et pour 180€ elle fait le complet !

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    octobre 2008

    A pas lire les éval des autres


    Pour une fois de passage sur Bxl cette semaine, je me laisse tenter par l'annonce sur lili. Je téléphone et prend rdv (bien conscient qu'il s'agit d'un massage et non d'un rapport tarifié).

    J'arrive à l'heure convenue et suis accueilli par une très jolie masseuse (seule??, en tout cas pas le choix). Elle me fait asseoir et m'offre un verre, ensuite déshabillage et passage sur la table de massage.

    Là elle entame une toilette rapide (très! trop?). Massage sur le dos pendant 25 min, ensuite, elle m'invite à passer dans la chambre d'à côté pour le massage côté face. Elle se déshabille (enfin!!!) et continue le massage ensuite elle huile popol et le termine à la main mais sans aucun égard .

    Bref, je n'y retournerai plus. Le massage étant déjà très moyen moyen, la finition quant à elle n'en parlons pas.

    Bref 130 roros pour 1h, un peu cher pour la qualité de la prestation.

    La prochaine, je prendrai le temps de lire les éval des autres.

    A bon youppineur...

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  1. #

    février 2008

    Hal : Espace Venus

    Salut le gars!
    So, after having searched the net for some time I discovered this nice website:

    As you can see the website looks nice, it gives you the idea of a well organised parlour... so I decided to give it a try.
    When you call you are answered by a polite gentleman who takes note of your reservation, and tells you to reconfirm your booking on the same morning of the massage, and you'll receive in exchange the exact address... a bit like taking an appointment with a CIA agent... mais bon!

    The place is really in the middle of nowhere, lost in a series of houses on a country road 30 mins south of Brussels.
    Once you get there you are welcomed by the same gentleman who answered the phone, who happens to be a 50-something man, jeans-and-t.shirt... all in all quite cheap looking. This guy will reveal himself to be the "manager" of this place.

    Once he lets you in, you'll be introduced to Katia... ok... well... give a look at the pictures you find on their website... and... forget about it!!!
    The girl has got nothing to do with the girl on the pics... and I mean nothing... it's simply not the same girl!
    The guy must have downloaded some pics from who knows where on the net, and put on them on the site.

    The soi-disant Katia is not bad looking, nice legs, nice body, quite nice face... but the problem is that she's DEFINATELY not into massaging people!
    After the description of the various choices I have opted for the "massage reciproque" 45mins - 130€. Once you have made your choice the genteman disappear and you are left in this strange sort-of-apartment all alone.

    The girl asks you to completely undress directly on the small sofa at the entrance of the apartment where you have been greeted (quite weird) and to lay on a massage table. When I asked her about the possibility to have a shower, she replied that she would have "refreshed" me.

    Once you are on the table she start rubbing you with a "guant du toilet" and some soap all over your body face-et-pile. Once this bizarre foreplay is over she accompanies you on the other side of a screen where you'll find a fancy ikea bed, with an awful cover on top.

    At this point imagine the plainest, heartless, banal and skill-less massage you can think of, and you'll get quite close to what I have experienced... it will suffice to say that I made myself the biggest part of the effort to create some kind of sensual energy between me and the girl.... really a pain!

    As you can imagine I thanked god I had opted for the 45 mins and not the full hour!

    Once we finished I got out of the bed, she cleaned me again on the table, I got VERY quickly dressed, looked at my watch and realised the whole thing, since I stepped in the door lasted 42 mins!

    To be really honest this is by far the worst tantric experience I ever tried, and I thought it was fair to share it with you guys... I hope at least this will save you some money!

    Take care!

    Setting: 4
    Girl: 7
    Massage: 2
    Overall experience:4

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