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Discussion : Zurich : Club Rouge (FKK)

  1. #

    avril 2011

    Par défaut -->Club Rouge, Zurich

    In August i came to PHG for her very last day there (she told me she didn't know for sure, but had the intention to try somewhere else), and stayed on the room till 1.10 am (club was closed at 1.00 that day) when somebody knocked at the door, if not, i would still be there : Cool: , because it was the best session i have had in PHG in the last six months...

    in the crowded dressing room, she stayed in my arms for some time, and i wished her the best, because i felt that i won't be seeing her again for a long time...


    with thanks to the colleagues from ijsberen:

    after a holiday that lasted slightly more than 2 weeks, she is now in Club Rouge, Zurich, Swiss:

    Not a crowded but very luxery club (see the pics on the website, somewhere in between a FKK/saunaclub and Yab Yum) , with prices around 130€/30 min.
    Wish her the best there, for how long it takes...hope that this suits her better (although client management and social skills -which will be even more important here- are not her strongest points, to say the least : D ).

    next month i will be in Zurich, but i think Globe will be a better choice for me , and i doubt if she is still there then, but for her i hope so...


  2. #

    décembre 2006

    Par défaut

    Comment, on ne m'aurais pas tout dit ?!?? Je comprends maintenant mieux pourquoi certaines d'entre elles me regardent d'un drôle d'air.

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  1. #

    octobre 2006

    Zurich : Club Rouge (FKK)

    A priori, ce FKK à la mode Suisse doit faite parti du même groupe que le club Life (où j'ai passe de très bon moment il y a quelques années) et que le club Aphrodisia.

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